Hello Ladies!
Can you believe it? OH MY GOSH ! 4 MORE DAYS, JUST 4 MORE DAYS! And the crowd yells (HOORAY)
So, as promised are some very, very, very important information notes you will want to keep and print out.
So, here we go............
Well, we're just a bit more than a few days away, and I must tell you, the committee has been busy, busy, busy working on items, food and classes to keep you just as happy as a baby with a full tummy

I'm not going to make this a super cute little email (although the inner part of me really wants to)..but instead I'm going to give you some information that will make your day of celebrating life with us more enjoyable for you (and your friends around you too!)
Location: QLN Conference Center - Address: 1938 Avenida Del Oro, Oceanside, CA 92056
Parking: Please, please, please if you can, carpool with your BFFs because parking is limited. There are 138 parking spaces at QLN for us, of which 4 are handicapped parking in the front and 2 are in the back. We suggest you park in the BACK of the building, because that is where you will be entering in from. If parking is full up when you get here, there is additional parking on the side streets, and at the Gymnastic Coastal Academy on the corner. The Kingdom Hall next door is allowing us to use the parking in back of the building, and around the perimeters. After 5pm, we can use the front parking lot. Please be considerate of their request. There are 160 parking places at the Career Center across Avenida Del Oro that we can use (it's down the hill), and there is Albertson's parking lot. You may not park in the Fire Department parking lot or on the streets. Watch for the signs and the mobile RV unit.
Check in and Celebration- we are opening the doors at 8:30 so you can get settled in, sign up for classes, look at the make-n-takes, grab some breakfast and get ready to have a wonderful day.

Classes and Make-n-takes: All of these crafts are offered to you at no additional cost, even though some of them would be in the range of $25-$45 to take if you were pay to take them at your local scrapbook or craft location. Attached is the list and time schedules for your assistance. The classes are a first-sign up, first-get and you may only sign up for one seat...yours. Most of the classes are being offered more than once during the day. No class has more than 25 seats available at one time. Classes generally last between 1-3 hours. The make-n-takes will be offered all day long, or until quantities run out. These are not a sign-up class. These are a first-come, first-make. Make-n-takes are quick little goodies that take only about 15 minutes to make.
What to bring? Not the kitchen sink...because you will not be doing dishes at all. In other words, please only bring what you can make in 12 hours...yea, right. You might want to bring a jacket or sweater in case you get chilly, and perhaps a cushion for the chair, if you need extra "stuffing". We will have helpers to assist you bring your items in. If you will be participating in the classes or make-n-takes, please bring the following items if you have them: Tape Runner, Liquid Glue (Beacons or Scotch work well), Pop dots or Dimensionals, Bone folder, Scissors.
Food, food and more food: There will be plenty of food and snacks for the day, including water, coffee, tea, flavored drinks, etc., however, we will not have soda, so if you need this to get your "crafting" on...please BYOS (bring your own soda.) No alcohol please.
Door prizes, Raffels and Silent Auction items: Everyone...and I say EVERYONE gets door prize tickets...and believe me, we've got TONS of goodies to give away. On your door prize tickets, you will need to write your name and table number on them...so...if you have any mail labels with your name pre-printed on them..bring 'em along. It'll save you some writing! And..how many door prize tickets do you get? Well, you get 20 just for coming, and oh yes..also, if you bring goodies for the Baby Boutique, you get 10 more door prize tickets too! How can you get MORE? Don't forget to bring in your outside donations!! You will get 30 more (yes we know we said 20, but hey!! what's 10 more between friends?) Our fantastic emcee will be passing them out all day long too! Although we do try to spoil you and give you lots of goodies...remember, this is a FUNdraising event.
There are some fantastic Silent Auction baskets and Opportunity baskets too. These are baskets that you can either purchase tickets and have the opportunity to walk home with one or two or twenty (depending on how many tickets you purchase) or if you like the Auction part of the event..you can always outbid one of your buddies on a Retreat ticket, or a set of Moonlight Amphitheatre Tickets and a dinner..lots of cool stuff on the tables this year. Cash, Check and Credit cards will be accepted for these items.
Do ya like my hat? We will be having a hat contest...Ya got a fancy hat? Maybe a designer hat? Maybe a hat with flowers, feathers, bling and everything too? Maybe just your very most favorite, comfy hat? Well then, if ya got a bonnet, put some stuff upon it and come join in the Parade !
Card Swap: If you are participating in the Card Swap, please bring 10 identical cards with you, and put them in a plastic ziplock bag, with YOUR NAME on the outside of the bag. We will collect them after the morning sessions, and you can pick them up from the registration tables on your way out. If you have envelopes for your cards, that would be nice, but if not, that's okay too. It's all about sharing talents and having fun.
BFF Photos: We will be having a photo booth, so you and your BFF can have your picture taken. These are sure to be an awesome keepsake for you gals. Virginia and Sue have some really cute props..so bring your smile and don't delay.
OUTSIDE SPONSOR DONATIONS!! They say to leave the most important thing for last! Don't forget to bring in your outside donations. We will be able to verify all donations given through the ministrysync website, but bring a list..just incase the system goofed up.
We have some lovely gifts that we will be giving to the persons (top 3 to be exact) bringing in the most $ in donations...you're gonna love it!Remember....it's not just a day of crafts and play...it's a LIFE saving event!
See you soon...Yeah!! in 4 days!!
Give us an email back at craftingforlife@yahoo.com if you have any questions or concerns.
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