Before we get started on the blogging, you need to know how the Crafting for Life event came into existence.
In 2010, some of us attended a large event that lasted for 24 hours, and it was for a well known charity. Everyone had such a wonderful time, and a large amount of money was raised to further the charities mission..and that was and is to save lives against a horrid disease, cancer. Well, somewhere between going to bed that Sunday morning when the event was over and waking up that afternoon, something wonderful happened to our hearts...
Helping to save a life is such a magnificent feeling...there's nothing like it! Better than chocolate or Banana Cream Pie...better than lying in the sun and having that warm feeling all over you...or sitting by the fireplace snuggled with your favorite book.
How about saving a life of a baby? Yea...that's what we're talking about here. How about helping out a woman who doesn't know how she can take care of her baby? Maybe she has no insurance, no family to be with, maybe she and her husband weren't expecting the wonderful miracle God is giving them...maybe....
That's when it came to our hearts....ya know the feeling? When you know that it's just what is supposed to happen...a feeling like you've never had before. Maybe we could hold an event, an all crafting event, like the other one we went to...but this one would be for a charity that helps babies and their mommies....
This blog is all about the Crafting for Life event that benefits the Pregnancy Resource Center...