Results from the 2012 Event?
Wonderful, Fantastic and just too much fun to fit into 12 hours.
We held the 2012 event in an empty store front, right next to Ever After Scrapbook Store...thank you John and Camille Akin for helping us obtain the facility for one more guys Rock!
Thank you John and Camille for everything! |
We stapled material on the walls to cover the mess from the previous tenant, strung electrical cords around door jams to get lights into the bathrooms, scrubbed, and scrubbed and scrubbed to clean it up...but the most important thing the team did for this event was to pray for the unborn babies. After all, that's what this whole event is all about.
Of all days for it to rain and pour, this was one of those days, and for the 12 hours we were just didn't let up much at all. However, we were blessed to have some helping hands to carry in the ladies' bags, crafts and sewing machines, so they wouldn't have to carry them from the parking lot in the rain to the front door for check in...thank you Pico, Josh and Dakota!!
But, even though the weather was cold and rainy outside,
the inside of the building was warm with love for life.
Tadia's busy blinging up the lady's shirts...bling, bling baby! |
Each participant received a "Crafting for Life"T-shirt and Tadia and Ronnie D. got busy blinging the shirts for a sweet little donation.
Thank you again for your diligence and taking your time away from playing at the event ladies.
Every member on the team worked very hard that day serving, praying and taking care of the participants. We were either teaching classes, preparing and serving the food, keeping the facility clean or just sharing the love of the Lord with everyone around us...I just can't explain what a wonderful day it was.
These gals were making photo albums from CD cases for the mom's at PRC.
They were so super cute...and so were the albums! |
When you hear the laughter and excitement in the room, and see the women's faces filled with joy, and knowing that they know what this whole day is all about, it just makes all of the preparation so worth while.
These gals were signing up for some classes too! Maybe the blanket class with Tina or the Looming class with Jim? |
Joy, Joy, Joy....that's what I'm seeing here. She's got the joy down in her heart..
and a new Grand baby on the way.
Most of the participants brought their own crafts to get caught up on. Some brought card making projects, some brought their sewing machines, some brought their scrap booking projects, and some just came to take the classes the event had to offer.
Our instructors were just fantastic, offering up their entire day to help in the event.

Tina's class was really unique. It's using fleece material and yard to crochet around the edge of the blankets and baby jackets. This got the ladies really hooked (little play on words there). Tina will be back for the 2013 event, so if you missed her class in 2012, you won't want to miss it for 2013. Thank you Tina! What a blessing you have been to this ministry.
Here are just a few of the "families" that came. to play and serve in 2012.
What makes a family? Well, your "God" related.
In the eyes of the Lord, we are all His children.
It doesn't matter whether we are Mom's and Daughters or Best Friends forever...
Family, what a sweet, sweet blessing.
Over all, even with the rain and all of the hard work involved, the event was a huge success. Our fundraising efforts paid off, the center received some nice items for the babies and their mommies, and the community knows a bit more about this fantastic ministry these men and women serve at the center. If you want to know more about what they do, please visit their webiste at
So what's next? Sign up for the 2013 event!
See you then!